Testing Instructions

To make your visit as smooth and safe as possible, please follow these instructions when you arrive at the pharmacy.

  1. Please arrive promptly during your testing window.

  2. Please pull into a designated screening area and turn your car off.

  3. Please stay in your car at all times.

  4. Once you are parked, please call the pharmacy at Hemmingsen Drug Store.

  5. Please have your photo ID ready to show pharmacy staff to confirm identity.

  6. When instructed, please hold your photo ID up to your closed window so the pharmacy staff can confirm your identity.

  7. When instructed, please roll the window closest to the individual to be tested down.

  8. Please follow the instructions about the collection process provided by the pharmacy staff.

  9. Please wait for the pharmacy staff to give you a signal that it is safe to pull away from the testing area.